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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Been forever 

I haven't blogged in almost a year and a half. But I am ANGRY. I'm angry about so many things and I don't want to bore people by starting rant threads in forums, but I gotta get this out.

On a private level, I'm angry about my co-worker. She's a nice girl, I like her, except for the whole backstabbing thing she did to me shortly after she started, but I let that go and we made a kind of peace. She is never at work though. She's been there since September and hasn't worked a full week yet. At first she was just taking time off and nobody said anything. Then, after she backstabbed me by demanding I be fired because she couldn't work with me (she allegedly, it turns out, was having her period for 3 weeks and it was making her crabby, not that she apologized to me or retracted anything to anyone else), I finally mentioned her lack of attendance to my boss. That called our time cards into question and then she just decided to leave in the middle of the day for several hours and not punch out. I should have recorded all these times but her leaving makes me extra busy. I have to take care of everything by myself and that leaves little time for policing, which I don't want to do anyway. Last week she MAY have worked a full 35 hours, but that makes 1 week out of 22 or so. Not a great record but then there's no proof of her leaving without punching out so I just end up looking like a troublemaker. This week she took 3 days off. Her regular boss is on maternity leave (and close to being fired anyway for not showing up and working herself) and she doesn't like the new guy. Now her kid is sick (she has 3 kids and one is always sick and she always has to go when they are) but sorry, I can't fill in ALL THE TIME. My boss says "tell the other guys no, you can't do work for them" but that's not going to fly. They'll just say I'm not being nice or cooperative. To top it all off, she's making more money than I am and my boss will not defend me in needing a raise. It's time to seek other employment but I don't want to have to do that. So my first rant is people with kids. They pay less in taxes, they use more resources. If they live in an apartment they don't pay school taxes, but if a single person owns a home they do pay school taxes even if they don't use the school system. UNFAIR. They get out of work whenever they want because "little so-and-so is sick". No one made them have kids, it's not a forced situation. They should have to suck it up and deal with it? Why am *I* stuck making it up and dealing with what is really THEIR problem???

Ok, second rant. Lawyers. I work for one, mostly I like him, he's a good guy (except for today, I'm totally pissed he's not helping me get a raise, but he's going to find me far less enthusiastic about working unpaid OT and busting my ass for him, oh well). But I've had to hire 2 lawyers in the last 6 months and they are both assholes and they cost me a bundle. The first one screwed up my paperwork so bad he forced me into bankruptcy. I should pursue a malpractice case but it's just the thought of that nightmare that keeps me from it. Plus, it means hiring another lawyer. Gah. So, I hire a bankruptcy lawyer to prevent losing my house due to the utter fuck up of the first lawyer and the new lawyer charges me more than 4 times what an average bankruptcy lawyer should but ok, I'm desperate to save my house and I agree. He seems ok, whiney and petulant and a pest but at least he calls and keeps me informed, until yesterday. I'm suppose to meet with the trustee at 1:00. My lawyer calls like 4 times to make sure I'll be there. I even take time off to get the documents I need to bring (well, the ones he told me to bring, he forgot some, but I found that out later). And so I go to this thing in Newark, NJ. Newark is the East New York of NJ. Harlem is a nicer place (it really is). Newark is a place I avoid at all costs. It's not that it's just poor and ghetto, that I've been to before, it's dangerous, you know you're a target when you're there, it's crowded and confusing and impossible to navigate by car. I want to take the train but I can't because there's no parking spots at the train station and I can't walk to the station because I've injured my foot which is throbbing in pain. So all around a joyful start to this. I get there early, the security guard at the desk is really nice to me, tells me where the cafeteria is, the ladies room, chats with me about my injured foot. Ok, maybe this won't be so bad. Ha! I'm so naive. I grab a bite at the over priced cafe, use the ladies room and head up to the Trustee's waiting room. There are several people there, all for the same thing. The *shame* of bankruptcy. I'm not here by my own design though, I'm here because another lawyer screwed me. Our appointment time comes, our appointment time passes. I'm sitting there, reading the paper, look at my watch and it's 25 past 1:00. I call my lawyer's office, he's not there (of course). They patch me into him. He says "just sit tight I'll be at least another hour" A WHAT? NO, no no no. I paid way too much money, lost a day's pay and I'm in throbbing pain from a sore foot. Not acceptable. He didn't even call. I flipped. The trustee had to come out and ask me to keep it down. I called his office back and demanded to speak to the senior partner. He "just left the building". Big surprise. So they put some other dude on the phone with me. He manages to calm me down but I can't stop chanting "I want my money back". I mean $2500, shouldn't that mean my lawyer shows up or at least CALLS? Damn the dude calls me 72000 times when I don't need him. Anyway, I convinced the trustee to see me in spite of the fact that I had legal representation and they aren't suppose to see me without a lawyer. But for the life of me I don't know why, it's not rocket science. I told the truth in my application and so there wasn't anything to get "caught in". And of course, I need to send him documents my lawyer never told me to bring with me. Idiot.

On a more public level I'm mad at the government, at the US and it's citizens, at the muslims, the military, the israeli's the world.

How stupid are we? Collectively, myself included, we are complete morons. We fight over the stupidest things. We lie and cheat and steal and betray with no conscience. We vote without thought or reason. We are sheep and sheep are stupid. We do not look to the future, or the big picture or what is common sense.

The military brainwashes it's minions. I know, I was in, I know I was brainwashed. They didn't get me 100% but I was a mess when I got out and I never saw a moment's combat. But I had a hard time thinking for myself (not something I ever had a problem with before) after I was discharged. You see soldiers beating up prisoners, don't blame them, blame their superiors. And in fact, you'll have to go up to the highest rank, the Commander in Chief, because he's the one responsible.

Our VP says his "shooting of a friend" is a private matter. He didn't have the required stamp on his hunting license, but no charges. The man he shot has had a heart attack and is in ICU at this time because of him but you know, the White House just puts their spin doctors on it. Former President Clinton had an affair it became the basis of impeachment procedings but you know, shooting a friend, that's a private thing. AHHHHH.

The President, that twit, he lied about WMD, he went against the UN, he lies about knowing Abramoff, then lies about his associations (well there are photos of them together, duh, you must know him, ya jerk). He lies, he lies, he lies. He has spent billions on a war we cannot win and won't recover from easily, if ever. He has cost us more lives than the WTC disaster and he still hasn't caught the man responsible. I'm not even sure, from all his chatter, he is even trying to catch Bin Laden. In fact, I'm not sure Bin Laden isn't a lie too...how can I be sure?? How can you?

He's cutting back on Medicare and he's screwing up Social Security and he's spying on Americans illegally and he's lying about telling congress or at least full disclosure, he's lying about the very need for this. He is deteriorating our freedoms and playing on our fears to get there. And the sheep just bleat along. AHHHHHHHHHH.

Ok, I'm done for now. I feel trapped. I really want to become a recluse. I wish I could afford that. I think, if I can hold out, the next housing boom that comes along I'm going to sell this house, take the profit and find myself a little shack on lots of acreage. I don't care where, just so long as it's remote.

Anybody got any suggestions?

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