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Monday, August 02, 2004


Yesterday the kitten started to eat again. In the afternoon I decided to leave the door to the laundry room open for awhile. I talked to her and "trilled" and eventually she came out from behind the furnace where she'd taken up new residence. I was making some eggs for dinner and I broke one into a bowl and gave it to her. She lapped that up, then ate canned food, dry food and bacon fat, and more egg. Yeah she got her appetite back :)

I kept the door open and we played a bit of "tap the string" she really didn't play enthusiastically but it was some interaction. She came up to the threshold between the laundry room and kitchen but wouldn't cross the barrier. She did a lot of looking around and seemed more relaxed.

At around 2 am I was shutting down the house for the night, I walked into the dark kitchen to find yet another baby possum helping himself to the cats food. He ran under the microwave cart. I grabbed the static cling duster and proceeded to chase him around the house and eventually under the sofa. Since I couldn't reach him there I surrendered.

I went to check on the kitten and found her cowering behind the dryer so I guess he might have gone after her food in there too. She came out with only a little coaxing and went back to her spot behind the furnace.

I turned on all the lights in rooms I didn't want the possum in, closed the door to other rooms and hoped he'd find his way out through the cat door, which is nearby where he had stationed himself. I have no idea if he's still under the couch or not, I'm not looking.

This morning when I woke the kitten it was apparent that she was getting pretty grimey from sleeping behind the furnace. She ate and drank and got a little brave and stepped over the threshold.

Dishing out the last few cans of food left in the house meant going to stock up on more. I read that L-Lysine might be good for her eye (she may well be blind in that eye judging from the way she moves her head to look around) so that was on the shopping list.

The store manager couldn't find any supplements for cats with L-Lysine but she offered an expensive bottle of "holistic calming formula" for her, offering to accept a return if it didn't work. I didn't have my glasses on me so I couldn't read the ingredients but I bought it figuring either it'll calm her or I can bring it back.

When I got home I read the bottle and among some unpronouncable "herbs" it has alcohol. So it's basically a kitty cocktail. Great, $9 for kitten MD 20/20. Maybe she and I can do shots of it next possum invasion.

I made a bed in the laundry room out of an old towel and a bath mat. The kitten watched me put this together. I told her it would be more comfy and she should try it. Later I went to check on her and she was quite comfy there, stayed there for hours.

Well I'm awake here in the middle of the night and that means all the cats are stirred. I fed them and the kitten decided to come into the kitchen a bit. Quite bravely she walked in and then it became clear what the attraction is, she has a crush on Big Fat Red Cat (BFRC). She just wants to go up to him so bad. She was inches from him while he ate. He turned around and walked away (which is better than ripping her to shreds I suppose). On the other hand he's not totally against her, when Trixie went after her the other day I yelled at Trixie and then Red went after Trixie. That was the first time I encouraged that. Right now he is sleeping by the kitchen door, not a usual spot for him. It's like he's guarding her. Well, I could be imagining that, he may be laying in wait.

So I'm considering calling the kitten Suki. It's a dumb name but I've now said "it's okay" so many times to her that she probably thinks it's her name, or else she thinks it's "brrrrrrrrrrt". I would call her brrrrrrt but I'll feel silly telling a vet that's her name should we ever get that far.

Well if anyone comes up with a better or more clever name for her I'll try it out. Oh and I'll post pics as soon as I can.

For now at least, there's some peace and relief.

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